Oct 9, 2009 10:36:10 GMT -8
Post by THE BLACK ROSE. on Oct 9, 2009 10:36:10 GMT -8
Other Characters: zilch Canon Character? no
Name: Crashingpaw Gender: Male Age: Fourteen moons Clan: ShadowClan Rank: Apprentice
Short Appearance: Typical soft brown mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes. Appearance: It's difficult to describe Crashingpaw in any depth, simply because he's just so average. He seems to of come from a mold. There's no nuances to his fur, short, thick but not too coarse or soft, no interesting patterns or contrasts to the faded dark stripes on his tan fur. His amber-yellow eyes, as are all feline eyes, have a depth and beauty but this is only in appearance; they aren't windows to his soul, they don't betray his emotions. He's healthy, but there's no eye-catching sheen to his pelt. He is well muscled, but one could only tell by feeling his body. He blends into the crowd, not particularly beautiful or unsightly, not very large or tall but not remarkably short like the Munchkin cat, nor scrawny, the runt of the litter. And he's not so ordinary that he's extraordinary, simply extra dull to the eye.
Likes/Strengths: LIKES: Privacy, to a point where he'd make up a name when greeting cats from another Clan at a gathering, just to protect his real identity's reputation. Attention. at the same time, Crashingpaw loves to be noticed; if he sets his mind upon it, he can be extraordinary, be looked up upon. It's a subset of one of his most primary STREGNTHS: He is a liar; he is a master at making cats believe what isn't true - because he knows what cats like to believe. Character judgment. A short discussion with another cat can lead Crashingpaw to learning their true character; he can see through almost every cat he meets. As a result, he's lost faith in ever meeting a genuinely goodhearted warrior, even in the more benevolent Clans such as ThunderClan. Dislikes/Weaknesses:
Personality: One-Sentence Personality: Just a sum-up of the previous; helpful for people just scanning the profile
History: Make sure this is LONG, unless your cat is a kit Summary: OPTIONAL, but recommended for very long histories so people can scan over them to make sure they are plausible. Can also be used as a guideline for the history if you're having trouble thinking it up
Best Friends: OPTIONAL - don't include EVERY friend, just the ones that are very special to the cat Parents: Includes parents-in-law Siblings: Includes half-siblings and siblings-in-law Mentor: Apprentice:
Other: Cousins: Includes cousins-in-law Other Relations:
Other: I fail at likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses~ RolePlaying Sample: Sample roleplaying as this character - yes, you may use the sample you used when auditioning for it if it's a canon cat
leader (first field is also applicable for deputy)-- Why Chosen For Deputy: I want an in depth explanation as to why you think this cat was chosen for deputy. Look up history if it's a canon cat. If nothing is said on the history, just make up the reason depending on the cat's personality Received Nine Lives From: If you don't know some of the names, you may make them up
medicine cat/apprentice-- Sign from StarClan: What told the previous medicine cat this cat was right for medicine cat? If it's a canon cat and there's no solution, just make it up Medicine Cat Skills: Are they good at memorizing herbs? Are they wise? What makes them suitable for medicine cat position?